Summer Programs Testimonials & Photos
“My child loves your camp. She loves the theater games, the instruction, she loves the atmosphere and creative play amongst the kids, she loves the play, she loved the mask making project.”
“The boys and I can’t refrain from singing songs from this year’s show- and others. They just live on and on in our home.”
“For me it was so easy to sit back and trust she was getting the exact kind of theater experience and summer camp experience that I would want for her.”
“One of my favorite memories will be of driving six girls home from camp one day, listening to the CD, and having the car filled with their sweet voices singing the beautiful, fun songs they so clearly enjoyed.”
“This camp provides just the right amount of play and focus and seriousness and silliness and free-time and work.”
“This camp is a great balance of fun and challenge for all ages and experience levels. The students really get to know each other and are well supported by the director and teachers.”
“The score was far beyond what we thought an original play for children would offer and we wouldn’t be surprised to see this play on a local (or even Broadway) stage some time soon!”
“I can not think of any other experience where my child has worked within a group to create something so spectacular alongside other young people; that he could be so proud of, and that filled him up with so much spirit and energy.”
2015 Oregon Camp hamming it up!
2015 Vermont cast shot